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Looking In


Uncommon reflections

on common questions

Breathing Out

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Construction Part 2 (Excerpt)
00:00 / 01:48

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As the kids Go Back To School, maybe it is time that YOU GO..


Sunday, 8/28/2022


*See Mara's About Page for details..

Thanks for joining us!

Still sharing the YOGA!

THANK YOU for joining us on this journey.


It is with some regret--mingled with a shimmer of hope!--that we officially announce the dormancy of our podcast Looking In Breathing Out.


Please check out our About Us pages, which will be updated regularly, to see what the team is working on next.


It has been a great privilege sharing these stories with you. And we deeply appreciate what you've given us in return.


Stay in touch by signing up to be on our email list...



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Mara Hesed

Mara Hesed

Mara has been a yoga teacher and practitioner for over 20 years.


Professionally, she has also been an actor, a writer, an entrepreneur, a director, a teacher, a fine art painter, an illustrator, a conversationalist, a massage therapist, a doula, a toilet cleaner, a singer, a personal chef, a tarot card reader--she is also a partner and mother.


She is fond of quoting Dolly Levi, “If you’re gonna live hand to mouth, you’d better be ambidextrous!”

Jennifer Davis

Jennifer Davis

Jennifer is a curiosity queen.  She has studied, practiced and has various certificates and degrees in literature, urban planning, wine, and yoga. She can change a spark plug and dissect Tolstoy.


She is a certified yoga therapist and has been practicing yoga since she was 11.


Her favorite question? “But why?” This podcast lets her dabble in discussion about loads of topics – a place where she’s happiest.

Jonathan Salisbury

Jonathan Salisbury

Jonathan is an actor, producer, director and writer. He's directed over 30 stage plays, produced multi-arts festivals, large-scale arts education projects and many live music events, both in the UK and the US.


Currently, he mostly makes music;  from classical to rock, to pop and lounge music and long-form piano improvisations.


To hear music from the Podcasts or just more of Jonathan's music, please ​visit 




Check out excerpts from our episodes below!

Latest Episode


Construction, Obstructions and Clearing the Path (Part 2)

Mara  and Matt Ford delve deeper into the world of construction and move further through the 9 obstacles of Yoga, as they attempt to the clear the path to reaching a state of balance and clarity. 

Construction Part 2 (Excerpt)
00:00 / 01:48
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First Aired: December 7th, 2021

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Coming Up...

We're taking a break...

We were planning a Listener Episode, but unfortunately, we're not able to bring you this right now. 


We're currently taking a break, and look forward to letting you know what our future plans are. 


Thank you for listening!



Past Episodes

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Construction, Obstructions and Clearing the Path (Pt 1)

In this episode, Mara talks with her husband Matt Ford about his work in construction and through this lens, explores the 9 obstacles of yoga, and how we might navigate these obstacles on the path to becoming our true selves.  

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Wrinkles In Time 

In this episode, Mara looks at wrinkles - hers and those of others, and examines approaches to aging and acceptance. 

Mara's guest is Lindsey Walker, Seattle-based psychotherapist and  couples counselor.

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First Aired: November 16, 2021

Construction, Obstructions (Excerpt)
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First Aired: October 26, 2021

Wrinkles (Excerpt)
00:00 / 01:48
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"It's Huge, It's Historic, It's Unheard-Of"

Whether it be scrolling, shopping, bingeing or smoking, moping, medications or merlot – we are all prey to addictions of some kind. In this episode, Jennifer examines causes and cures and asks “How can yoga help keep us steady in the light of these challenges?”


Jennifer talks with Robert Birnberg, a highly experienced Yoga Therapist who trains yoga teachers and therapists in the US and abroad and Elison Miller, LA-based writer and producer.

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What's the Skinny?

In this episode, Mara delves into dieting, and goes beyond the physical body to investigate the five layers of being, the 'koshas', which - according yoga philosophy  - form each one us. 


Mara's guest is her friend, accomplished actress and photographer Ericka Kreutz who you may have seen on your screen in The Handmaid's Tale, 9-1-1, Better Call Saul, This Is Us and other well known shows. 


Let's Talk About Sex

In this episode, Mara looks at porn. 


Or rather, she looks at the issue of our kids having easy access to it via the internet, and asks questions about sex education, and how we model clear communication around this and other important topics.


Mara's guests are her Los Angeles based yoga teacher Konstantin Epishin, and Community Educator and Teen Outreach Program Specialist, Emily Edgell, based in St. Louis, MO.

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First Aired:  October 5th, 2021


It's Huge (Excerpt)
00:00 / 01:11


In this episode, Jennifer looks at feet. Whether they should be bare or shod. She wonders, should we listen to doctors who say no to going barefoot, or to someone who hasn't worn shoes for 20 years? 


And at the heart of these questions, should we act on our own experience, or the opinion of experts? 


Jennifer's guests are her mom, Shirley Davis, and Aaron Francis, Los Angeles based barefoot theatre director, playwright and set-designer. 

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First Aired: September 14th, 2021

What's the Skinny (Excerpt)
00:00 / 02:58

Two Rams on a Bridge

In this episode, Mara investigates the concept of non-violence and explores how, in this turbulent age, we might incorporate this practice into our everyday lives. 


Mara's guest is - her dad - born to a Catholic mother from Bavaria and Jewish father, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants to the US.

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First Aired: August 24th, 2021

Let's Talk About Sex (Excerpt)
00:00 / 01:52

Dishing It Out

In this episode, Mara looks at dishes, toilet seats and true love, and wonders, when we argue with our loved ones, what are we really arguing about? 


Mara's guests are couples therapist, 

Carrie Miller (MA, LMFTCouples, EMDR, Psychotherapy) and Kevin McCarthy

Rolfer and Somatic Trauma Therapist.

They are Co-founders of Mend Therapy in 

Minneapolis, MN


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First Aired:  August 3rd, 2021

Available to listen or download now!

Barefootin' (Excerpt)
00:00 / 02:35
Die With Nothing

Jennifer looks at cake-stands, crying and death cafes.Reflecting on the loss of a dear friend, she investigates the power of letting go. 


Jennifer's  talks with  a high-powered TV exec, an LA based realtor, an ex high-level marketing professional, corporate lawyer and urban planner about what they hang on to, what they give away, and what they wish they could let go of. 

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First Aired: June 1, 2021

Available to listen or download now!

Die With Nothing (Excerpt)
00:00 / 03:13

First Aired:  July 13th, 2021

Available to listen or download now!

Two Rams (Excerpt)
00:00 / 01:13
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Mara considers the old adage: To Compare is To Despair.


Convinced it is not as simple as just being more happy and less unhappy, she mines Sutra 1:33 for answers.


She explores the "meaning making factory" and asks how we might deeply shift our thinking to genuinely feel more at ease. 


Mara's sister makes an appearance in this episode, alongside an interview with Buddhist Yoga Teacher Nina Snow. 


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First Aired: May 11th, 2021

Available to listen or download now!

Compare-Despair Excerpt
00:00 / 02:41

First aired:  June 22nd, 2021

Available to listen or download now!

Dishing It Out (Excerpt)
00:00 / 02:35
Lice, Lice Baby

Mara hunts for lice, explores disgust, shame and looks at empathy and the power of the pause. 


With guest Amy Trevino, a kindergarten teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District.




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First Aired: April, 20th, 2021

Available to listen or download now!

Lice Lice Baby (Excerpt)
00:00 / 02:06
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